For Some the Dream of Healtchare is Closer to Coming True

Mar 26

Whether you were for or against the Heatlh Care Bill, it was hard not to be moved by the president's mention of his mother, who was fighting with the insurance companies while she was fighting a losing battle against cancer. I was lucky to have great healthcare coverage in my three battles with cancer, but even with that, I still haven't recuperated from the loss of salary, out-of-pocket expenses and the other non-covered costs of a medical crisis like parking at hospital garages (no it's not free in Boston) baby sitters, long distance phone calls and a million other little things. Believe me when you're going through chemo, afraid your kids will grow up without their mother, throwing up, watching your hair fall out, you are the least equipped to negotiate with bureaucrats about your health care. This healthcare bill is not an answer to all that, but it is a beginning of an answer and for all those who are currently facing a medical crisis and can't fathom how they're going to pay their bills let alone feed their children, it feels like someone cares.


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