American Dream Girl Posts More Links

Sep 27

So check it out. More of our blogging class blogs. Great job. Stay tuned to this post as the list grows.

Kady's blog

Lorraine's Blog

Ellen's Blog

American Dream Girl Has a Dream Class

Sep 26

Many teachers dream of students who are truly engaged in their classes. That's one of the reasons ADG prefers teaching in alternative schools where students are not obliged to go to school, but rather opt to be there. Our Blogging/Column Writing Class at the Nackey Loeb School is a great example of this. Our students are creating amazing blogs, and we couldn't be happier. Thanks for your participation. And everyone - here are the links to some of these great blogs. Looking forward to another great class today and if you haven't sent me the links to your blogs yet, please do and I'll add them here..

Linda's blog

Moriah's blog

Connie's blog

Ellen's blog

Diane's blog

Ray's blog

The American RIGHT is in Danger and That's Way More Important than the American Dream

Sep 19

It took four hours for a working woman in Philadelphia to get a photo id to vote the other day. She had no license because she lives in a city and takes public transportation to go to work every day. No surprise this woman was black and she was shifted to one long line after another at city hall. This goes beyong the political. This sets America back 40 years in the Civil Rights movement. Lest we forget all those who died in the south trying to reverse the Jim Crow laws and get blacks registered to vote,among them New Hampshire's own Jonathan Daniels  who was killed in 1965. Let's not forget and dishonor all those who sacrificed. Whether you're a Republican or Democrat, this should disturb us all. This goes to the roots of what it means to be an American.

American Dream Girl Posts from the Polls

Sep 11

Reporter's hat on tonight. Waiting for primary totals at Hudson poll. There Is absolutely nothing glamorous about this.

American Dream Girl Dreams of a Great Class

Sep 11

Welcome NLS class. If you're already a blogger, we hope this class will spark your creativity and perhaps tweak your writing skills. If you never blogged before. It's really as easy as sending a text. We'll prove it.

Write On

Stacy and Tom


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