American Dreams with Roots

Mar 13

If you haven't watched yet, check out Who Do You Think You Are? It's the NBC program that traces celebs' family histories. OK so it's a shameless ad for, but it's still a riveting show. American Dream Girl can't stand Sarah Jessica Parker, but couldn't keep her eyes off her as she found out her ancestors were invovled in the Gold Rush and the Salem witch trials. And this last week's show with Emmitt Smith finding out that his great, great, great ... grandmother was a slave who had the courage to keep her family together was nothing but amazing. Every American Dream has roots whether they go back 20 years or two centuries and this show makes you ponder that and more. This Thursday Lisa Kudrow, also a producer of the show, searches her own family history which intersects with the Holocaust. The show airs Thursdays at 8. You can also see a preview of



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