Happy New Year

Sep 28

No, it's not January 1, 2012. It's, in fact, 5772. That's right. It's Rosh Hashanah. - Jewish New Year -from from sundown on Sept. 28 to nightfall on Sept. 30.  This a whole different new year than your secular bash with champagne, noise makers and a date you'll regret having the day after. It's about looking within ourselves and back at the past year, the missteps we made and a plan for how to resolve those mistakes - resolutions if you will. Think spiritual wake-up call with the metaphor of the  shofar - or ram's horn which is blown throughout the service - to bring the message home. Check out the shofar flash mob in Chicago.  So shana tovah to all.


MomJ said...

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Stacy American Dream Girl said...

Thanks so much.

Brian M. said...

That is very interesting. I did not know that. Thanks for the info.

Stacy American Dream Girl said...


Stacy American Dream Girl said...


The Lakes Region of New Hampshire said...

Excellent post, Stacy. I'm looking forward to following more... BUT, is there anyway I can get an enlarged view of this Lois Lane comic book cover? That's from the era I was mesmerized by Supeman and his clan - including "Bizarro" world and, b the way, Little Lulu!

Stacy American Dream Girl said...

Me too. I credit Lois Lane with the reason I became a reporter.


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