American Dream Girl Wants Your "About Me"

Sep 25

So your assignment next week is to write your "about me." Post it on your blog and remember to give me your links so I can post them on my blog. Also make sure you send me you blog links if you haven't already. Apologies to the folks we didn't get to this week. We will start with you next week.

Here are the questions that might prompt some material:

Write Your (Wackadoo, Whimsical, Wonderful) Bio in Eleven Questions

1. Quick. Word association. What word(s) describe you?

2. Who is the most important person (dead or alive) to you and how would they describe you?

3. In five songs, what is the soundtrack of your life?

Song 1.

Song 2.

Song 3.

Song 4.

Song 5.

4. Pretend your parents aren’t  or weren’t your parents. Which cultural icons, historical figures, rogues, rebels or reverends would you be the child of? Why?

5. Related: if that kid – aka your secret you – wrote your bio, how would it feel?

6. What’s the most unexpectedly wonderful compliment anyone has ever paid you?

7. In your work or creative process, what concepts are sacred? Which rules have you made, which ones do you follow?

8. Which rules do you break?

9. What is your grand, audacious goal? What do you wish people would know, believe, do?

10. What do you do best? What makes you the most money?

11. What do you want people to do at the end of this page?



DJ Frederick said...

the most unexpected and wonderful complement someone ever paid me was a supervisor who wrote in my evaluation "Fred does not suffer fools gladly".


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